Kitchen Curtains Subjected To Abuse And Neglect

There almost seems to be something magical about kitchen curtains and how they hang there doing there job and never seem to get dirty. Despite the fact the kitchen is one of the most used rooms in the house and the curtains and windows are subject to some of the worst household stains available, many seem to forget about the need to keep their kitchen curtains clean. Oil and grease will cling to the material unnoticed and it usually is not until they are run through the washing machine that they realize how dirty they had been allowed to become.

Choosing kitchen curtains is usually a time-consuming experience, making sure they match the décor and color of the rest of the kitchen and most often, even when the walls may be painted or new decorative theme is used, the curtains remain the same. With this in mind, it is always best not to skimp on the quality of the kitchen curtains used, as they will likely be there longer than the curtains in any other room of the house.

Some may look at plastic curtains due to their ease of cleaning, but the reality is they just do not look as good as the real thing. Additionally, with many kitchens having a window above the kitchen sink, the kitchen curtains are subject to more moisture and some materials are subject to growing mold and mildew, not something anyone wants growing in their kitchen.

Choosing Right Curtains To Fit The Windows

It is common in some rooms of the house that, regardless of the length of the window, the curtains are bought to hang nearly to the floor. While this can pose some interesting décor options, with kitchen curtains it can also pose some options for dust and dirt to accumulate unseen. Keeping the curtains cut to the bottom of the window sill, or slightly below it, can offer a similar effect without providing a hiding place for dirt, something else no one wants in their kitchen.

The kitchen curtains should be bright and lively, as opposed to subdued and quiet as the kitchen is where a lot of the action is, as opposed to bedrooms or living rooms. Having the right kitchen curtains can help a person's mood simply by entering the room, providing the design is pleasing to look at. If the walls are covered with wallpaper with a fairly busy design, plain curtains are recommended, but plain walls can be brightened with a lively pattern on the curtains.