Strategies For How To Solve Sudoku

Sudoku is a puzzle that consist of a 9X9 grid. The object of the puzzle is to complete the 9X9 grid by writing in the numbers 1-9. Each number can only appear in each row, column and grid one time. It is not as easy as it my first look. Here are some strategies for
how to successfully solve a sudoku puzzle.

Where To Start

In a Sudoku game, there is no real place to start the game. However, the best place to start for most people is in the center three squares. Within these three rows, find a number that appears twice and start with that number. Look through the columns and then try to fit the third number into that section of the grid. This will give you a starting point on how to solve a Sudoku puzzle.

Use Counting Principals

You already know that each number can only be used one time in each row, column, and grid boxes. Therefore, use the process of elimination to try to fit all of the numbers into the squares. If you are using this strategy, it is okay to jump around the board to try to fit all of the numbers into the squares. This is probably one of the most common strategies for how to solve Sudoku puzzles.

Find The Definites

The definites are those numbers that are obvious. Look for the definites in each puzzle and complete them first. This will boost your confidence and help you complete a few easy squares and eliminate the number possibilities. This is probably one of the easiest strategies on how to solve a Sudoku puzzle. It is also a great starting point.

Check The Answers If You Get Stuck

If all else fails and you absolutely cannot find the right number, then take a peak at the answers. Sometimes when you a few numbers in place, the others will fall in more easily. However, when you do look at the answers, only get one or two numbers to give you start. Then stop looking at the answers. When learning how to solve Sudoku puzzles, it is okay to look at the answers.

Sudoku puzzles are everywhere. They are really fun and educational puzzles. People are doing them all over the world. There is no real right way of solving the Sudoku puzzles; however, there are several strategies on the internet for solving them. These are just a few strategies to help get you started with your Sudoku puzzle. With a little practice, you will learn how to solve Sudoku puzzles in no time.