Stomach Ulcers: Getting The Condition Diagnosed By A Doctor Is Your Best Bet

Stomach ulcers can cause a lot of distress and are known to occur when the protective intestinal lining inside the stomach breaks down and causes the delicate stomach and intestinal lining to erode resulting in open and raw as well as formations of sores in the lining of the stomach that in turn causes considerable pain. The reason why you may develop stomach ulcers is that there can be a certain loss of balance between how much stomach acid gets secreted and the enzyme known as pepsin and also with the stomach's own mucosal lining's natural defenses.

Helicobacter Pylori

Another reason why you could develop stomach ulcers is because of bacteria known as Helicobacter Pylori which lives in an acid environment within the stomach, and even obesity as well as smoking of cigarettes is known causes of stomach ulcers as too using anti-inflammatory medicines in excess including aspirins.

Once a person develops stomach ulcers, there are sure to be certain warning signs noticed such a burning or gnawing in the stomach's upper middle regions that may last from thirty minutes to as long as three hours. However, the pain you experience from having stomach ulcers is often hard to distinguish from the pain felt as a result of heartburn because both types of pains are very similar and even hunger pangs can be mistaken for pain as a result of stomach ulcers.

Once you begin to feel pain as a result of having stomach ulcers it can even wake you up in the middle of the night or it could occur immediately following consumption of a meal and in some cases, may occur a few hours after eating a meal. Some people find relief from this pain by drinking milk or by eating, though others try and avoid eating so as to not have to experience pain that eating of food causes.

It is not just pain that is a consequence of having stomach ulcers because a number of other signs are noticed as well such as losing weight, vomiting, losing appetite and feeling fatigued. In addition, it will pay to get a doctor to diagnose your condition so that it can be determined whether the pain you are suffering from is indeed caused by stomach ulcers and is not caused by heartburn or is a result of hunger pangs. Furthermore, it will pay to get a doctor to evaluate whether pain from eating certain foods is indeed symptomatic of stomach ulcers or whether it is due to some other reason.