The Nutritional Therapy for Peptic Ulcer

Peptic ulcer may result in intense pain and serious discomfort along with severe damage in the digestive system, if it is not treated on time. Different research studies confirm that complying with self-care approaches offer benefits along with proper medicinal intervention. In addition to customary treatment plan, one must consider using vitamins and other nutritional therapy for effectively managing peptic ulcer.

Effective Self Care

While considering about peptic ulcer management, the first option comes in line is to stay away from smoking as much as possible. In fact, it is so important that you can consider it as a bottom line of executing any sort of treatment for peptic ulcer including nutritional therapy. In other words, if you take the full advantage of any treatment or therapy, you must try to avoid smoking in best possible way.

When you undergo treatment for peptic ulcer, you must not use or must have a control on using aspirin, drugs like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, alcohol, coffee and tea. A proper regulation on the consumption of these substances can ensure faster healing and maximum benefits from nutritional therapy for managing peptic ulcer.

You can consume high-fibrous diet, which helps in reducing the risk of newly developed duodenal ulcers during treatment. Many scientific studies reveal a substantial health benefits associated with the chewing of deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL). It helps in the healing of mucous membranes. It is better if you can chew 250mg to 500mg DGL prior to your meals and before going to bed.

Benefits of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an integral part of nutritional therapy for peptic ulcer and it offers its exclusive benefits for healing the mucous membranes of the stomach as well as of the intestines. Research shows vitamin A supplements can effectively treat people suffering from peptic ulcers. However, higher dosages may turn out to be toxic over time and may result in birth defects. That is why this type of dosage is highly discouraged to be used by pregnant women, or by would-be-pregnant women.

Benefits of Zinc

Likewise vitamin A, zinc is also a commonly used supplement and an inevitable element of nutritional therapy for managing peptic ulcer. Zinc helps in repairing damaged tissues and offers protection against stomach ulceration, as demonstrated by several animal research studies. In European countries, zinc comes in a combination with anti-inflammatory substance known as acexamic acid and the combination is used as a medicine for treating peptic ulcer. Few researchers suggest that it is pointless to take an excessively high dosage of zinc.

However, if you are on zinc supplements, it is advisable to take 1-3mg of copper per day so that copper deficiency could be avoided which may otherwise be induced due to zinc supplements. Although vitamin A and zinc are essential components for nutritional therapy for treating peptic ulcer, both of these substances should not be administered without the consent of any licensed health practitioner.