Dealing With a Viral Wart

There are many different types of warts that can develop on the human body, but a viral wart is one of the most common. A viral wart is typically caused by the human papillomavirus which is extremely common around the world.

Warts are much more common in children than in adults, and they can affect almost any area of the body but they tend to develop most on the fingers, hands and feet. Warts can easily be transferred from one person to another, through skin to skin contact or by one person touching a towel or other object that a person with the viral wart has touched.

There is no real way to prevent the development of viral warts, but there are things that you can do which will help to decrease the likelihood of you developing them. Washing your hands frequently for instance will significantly lessen the chance of you developing warts, and if you ever have an open cut or scratch, you should clean the area and then cover it up with a Bandaid.


There are a few effective options when it comes to the treatment of a viral wart. Warts generally do not cause any problems and usually will just go away on their own, but in some cases they will be stubborn and appropriate treatment will be required. Doctors have a few different common ways of removing warts, including using an over the counter prescription to put on the wart, freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen, and burning the wart off.

After any treatment of your viral wart you should make sure that you do not rub or scratch at the area that has been treated, and be sure to keep the area of the wart that has been treated covered while the medicine works, and also that you soak the area in warm water and remove and dead skin whenever necessary.

Warts are definitely unsightly and hard to live with, but just remember if you ever develop a wart that there are some great options out there when it comes to treatment and so you can get rid of your warts and get back to looking like your regular old self again in no time.

There are so many effective options these days in terms of treatment for warts, so make sure that you discuss all options with your doctor and work with them to determine which particular treatment is going to be best for you.