Getting Beyond Skin Deep: The Facial Wart

If one was to mention the word wart a variety of responses or images could be triggered. One image could be of an individual holding a toad. This is because it was often thought that if an individual held a toad they would become infected with warts. Obviously, this is not true and was just an old tale that was used by parents to keep their children from handling toads.

However, it is true that warts can be unbecoming and make individuals very self-conscious. In fact, individuals who have warts will try to hide this condition by covering the warts with clothing or bandages.

Unfortunately, warts can be found on all parts of the human body. One place that warts can be found and that make the person extremely self-conscious is a facial wart. When talking about facial warts it is important to understand what a wart is, what causes a wart and how to treat facial warts.

What Is A Wart?

A wart is basically a non-malignant growth on the body. Often they resemble a cauliflower and can be crusty in appearance. Warts can be found on all parts of the body, but are generally found on the hands and feet. They are not caused by touching a toad, but are caused by a virus. This virus is known as HPV or human papillomavirus.

Warts are extremely contagious and the virus can be transmitted through touch or using other items that have come in contact with the virus. These items could include a washcloth, a towel, etc. Warts can remain on the body for a number of months, disappear and then return without notice.

If an individual has facial warts great care must be taken to limit exposure to other members of the family. Limiting contact and frequently washing items that come in contact with the infected individual can accomplish this. Washing the item that has come in contact with the individual, in laundry detergent and water, can neutralize the HPV virus.

How To Treat A Facial Wart

First of all, as with all medical conditions, it is important to seek the council of a medical professional. In all probability the medical caregiver will advise the patient to seek out certain treatments. Those treatments can include over the counter medications that will help to dissolve the facial wart. Often these treatments contain an active ingredient called salicylic acid which helps to erode the visible wart.

Another option for those suffering with facial warts is to search on line. Often there are many treatments that are described when the Internet researcher does a search engine inquiry on treatment of facial warts.

One other effective method of removing warts is through a surgical process. However, often the removal of these facial warts leaves permanent scarring.