Secret Tips For Making A Great Cup Of Coffee

Coffee making is as complex a process as cooking a gourmet meal for some people, while for some others its just a spoon of instant coffee powder mixed in a cup of hot water. Which way do you like it? Did you know that the quality of water can have a great effect on the quality and taste of your coffee? This is why it is very important - if you want your coffee just so - to ensure that you a good quality of water for your coffee.

How Do You Make A Perfect Cup Of Coffee?

Brewing a perfect cup of coffee is not as difficult as you would think. You would only have to know a few important tips and you will be able to enjoy unmatched taste of gourmet coffee again and again and again.

The most important thing about coffee is the type of beans used. Therefore, if you want a great cup of coffee use only the best brands of coffee beans which should be as fresh as possible. Once you establish a certain brand of coffee beans as your favorite, have them ground only at the time you are about to brew your coffee.

Many people are in the habit of grinding the whole packet of beans and storing the powder in air tight jar for ready use. This would of course cut the time you would need to make your cup of coffee, but would kill the taste and flavor in no time. Coffee looses its flavor very fast and also attracts moisture which can also sabotage its taste. Therefore, ensure that you store you coffee beans only in vacuumed containers, in dry places and at room temperature. Grind only when you need it.

The next thing you should know about coffee is that the quality not the quantity makes your coffee weak or strong. So, depending upon your preference buy that type of coffee beans; if you like both, buy both types and have them labeled as 'strong coffee' and 'mild coffee'. The amount of coffee you would use to make a cup of coffee is always the same - four level teaspoons of freshly ground coffee in six ounces of water.

If you own an electric drip coffee maker always remove the paper filter and have it replaced with gold tone coffee filter for flawless taste and smell. For best result, ensure you consume your coffee within 20 minutes of its preparation.

With time you would be able to make a perfect cup of coffee without any help, being guided only by your experience and love for this beverage. Until then, these tips would surely help you make a great cup of coffee whenever you want one.