How to Avoid Identity Theft Fraud

Someone gets their personal information stolen, and the person who stole it adopts their identity to commit crimes involving fraud. Unfortunately, this happens far too often in the world we live in.

The most frustrating thing about this crime is that the victim rarely knows their personal information has been stolen until it is too late. There are some pretty basic things that you can do to prevent identity theft and fraud happening to you. By being aware of the problem, and the places where identity theft is most likely to take place, you may be more cautious in certain situations where your private information is at risk.

Identity Theft And Fraud - Your Phone

You would be surprised by the number of people that are tricked into giving their social security number, while talking on the phone, to someone they have never met. Usually it is someone claiming to either be from a bank or city utility, or it is a person that tells you that you have won the lottery. Never give your personal information to anyone while talking on the phone.

Identity Theft And Fraud - Your Mail

Most people would be wise to immediately go to the post office and get themselves a P.O. Box. Even if you are always around the house, it is still possible to have your mail stolen out of your mail box, unless you are staring at it 24 hours a day. The big problem here is that it may weeks before the victim realizes their personal identification has been stolen.

One popular trick used mostly on the elderly is, working as a team, one swindler engages the owner in conversation to distract them, while the other enters the home to steal personal items.

Identity Theft And Fraud - Your Garbage

The best advice that can be given here is to go out and buy a shredder, and then use it to eliminate all personal information contained in your mail and personal paperwork. Many people that engage in identity theft and fraud find their bonanzas in people's garbage.

Identity Theft And Fraud - Your Computer

Almost everybody owns a computer these days and has the capability to receive and send emails. The scams that are floating around the internet to steal your private information are very smoothly worded and have fooled some of the most intelligent people. Claiming that someone has been using your credit cards or claiming you have won a big cash prize is the primary way most private information is stolen over the internet. Remember, never email your personal information to anybody, at any time, for any reason.

Identity Theft And Fraud - Pickpockets

Always be aware of pickpokets anytime you are in a large group of people, such as a concert, live sporting event, or on vacation in Las Vegas. Never carry large sums of cash or any personal information that can disappear in a heart beat.