How to get Rid of Heartburn: Best Remedies for Relief

You may be all too familiar with the uncomfortable symptoms of heartburn. You recognize the painful burning, pressure, and bitter taste. You know that the symptoms will begin shortly after enjoying a large meal, and that the condition gets worse if you try to lie down to rest. Heartburn is uncomfortable to the point of painful, but fortunately episodes are few and far between for many of us. Still, if you begin to feel that burning sensation, you want to know how to get rid of heartburn as quickly and effectively as possible.

You are What you Eat
Sometimes, learning how to get rid of heartburn means preventing it in the first place. The first step in prevention is your diet choices, since what you put into your digestive system will have a direct effect on how well it functions. Common heartburn culprits include chocolate, citrus fruits and juices and tomato products. If you suffer from frequent heartburn, it is a good idea to limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol as well. In addition to what you eat, how you eat it is another important factor. Instead of three large meals every day, try eating six smaller and more frequent ones. If your stomach does not become too full, heartburn will be less likely to develop.

Healthy Living
When discussing how to get rid of heartburn, lifestyle choices must also come into play. Since a reclining position will only serve to exacerbate heartburn symptoms, avoid lying down right after a meal. You can also raise the head of your bed by a few inches to keep heartburn at bay at night. If you smoke, heartburn issues are one more good reason to quit, since smoking can make symptoms worse. Finally, exercise is always a healthy choice in preventing many conditions, and may help with heartburn as well.

When people ask their doctors how to get rid of heartburn, medications usually become a part of the discussion. There are many over the counter medicines that can stop heartburn once it starts or prevent it from occurring in the first place. Antacids are the fastest form of relief, while H-2-receptor blockers will provide a longer lasting remedy. Proton pump inhibitors are one of the most effective means of preventing heartburn, allowing the body to heal from possible damage in the esophagus from frequent bouts of this condition.

If you suffer from frequent heartburn episodes, learning how to get rid of heartburn is the first step on the road to more symptom free days and nights. Talk to your doctor about how to get rid of heartburn today.