Making Snoring Prevention A Priority

If you are a snorer, it is vital that you make snoring prevention a high priority in your life. Snoring places your very life at risk, as a snorer is more likely to suffer from a stroke or heart attack that could end their life abruptly. Snorers are also more likely to suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure, chronic diseases that can end their lives gradually, over time.

Identifying The Problem

If you have a spouse or a partner who sleeps in the same room as you, then you probably know already whether you are a snorer or not. However, if you are a single person who lives and sleeps alone, you may not even realize that you have a snoring problem.

One way every snorer can get a good idea of how serious their snoring problem has become is to visit a sleep center and have professional medical observation for one or more nights. If you are suffering from snoring and its related disorders, your medical insurance may provide coverage for this observation period, because it is essential to the diagnosis and prevention of snoring.

Diagnosing The Need For Snoring Prevention

During observation, most snorers are diagnosed with a condition known as sleep apnea. During the night, the snorer actually stops breathing because the airway is so compressed that breathing is virtually impossible. Eventually the snorer's oxygen-starved brain sends wake up signals to the body, jolting the body awake so breathing can resume. In some chronic snorers, this process repeats itself dozens of times over the course of a night.

After spending a night at the sleep center, the snorer can watch a video of himself or herself waking repeatedly, shifting position and basically getting a poor night's sleep while under observation.

Snoring Prevention Treatment

There are several conservative snoring prevention treatments that can be tried before resorting to more drastic measures. The best snoring prevention treatment of all is weight loss. Many snorers are overweight, and fat around the neck and throat only makes the snoring worse, restricting the airway even more than usual. By adopting a healthy vegan diet and walking thirty minutes or more four times a week, the weight will begin to fall away, and snoring will decrease.

Acupuncture and acupressure have also been proven as effective snoring prevention treatments. A licensed practitioner must perform acupuncture, but acupressure can be achieved by wearing a compression ring or bracelet that applies pressure to certain vital points to help prevent snoring.