When Getting A Job In Commercial Flying

A job in commercial flying is a very rewarding profession. Whether you may be aiming for a captainship, stewardship or as an airline officer, the perks and the paycheck are attractive, not to mention the bonus of traveling around the world. Jobs in commercial flying entail a lot of discipline, character and competencies. Haven't you noticed that competence is the last criterion mentioned? It is because most commercial flight employers are looking into the traits of the airline officer and not just the skills. Here, you will find useful tips on what employers expect for an employee in commercial flying.

First in the list are your skills in good communication. Commercial flying involves not just the technical aspect but also interpersonal and communication aspects. Employers look at how well you deal with co-officers, subordinates, supervisors and customers. The commercial flight industry is also a fast-paced business, that's why every minute counts. Employers will look for commercial flight personnel who are self starters - people who knows how to initiate.

A commercial flying boss also expects you to bear high standards in ethics. This means that the boss can trust you a customer, the flight or the entire operation without him having to worry about the company reputation which leads us to the next expected trait - better people skills. It is not just about being friendly, it's about being courteous, polite and willing to listen to their needs, fears and concerns. Just a good tip, do not call the customer by his first name, otherwise requested.

Employers are also looking for commercial flying employees who are stringent followers of rules. When they discern your ability to obey and abide by the company instructions, your boss will most likely favor you for a fast promotion. Following the rules does not however end with just following, it also means respect with your superior. The boss will also expect you to be a good problem solver. Again, as mentioned earlier, commercial flying is a rapid industry, with your skills in critical thinking you will be able to meet sound solutions to last minute problems.

Occupations in commercial flying are typified by job specialization or what aviator professionals call, the scope of expertise. The company usually has a set of regulation that defines the scope of your work and you are expected to follow them. Finally, a positive attitude is a big plus. Once you enter the interview room, you will have to leave the contents of your resume behind and depend on your outstanding attitude. Remember, that when you're granted an interview, it's your character that is screened not your skills.