Understanding Chronic Stomach Ulcer Treatment

If you suffer from peptic (stomach) ulcer it is likely that you would suffer from acute stomach pain immediately after you take your meals. The pain would be accentuated if your meals consisted of acid creating foods such as oil, spices, chilly, citrus fruits, etc. The two most common types of peptic ulcers are the duodenal ulcer and the stomach ulcer. Most duodenal ulcers are benign - meaning they are not cancerous - while stomach ulcers may or may not be malignant (meaning these may or may not be cancerous).

What Causes Peptic Ulcers?

Before you learn about chronic stomach ulcer treatment you need to know what are the causes that contribute to its development. Basically, stomach ulcer develops as a result of the damage of the stomach mucosal lining by hydrochloric acid - the acid that the stomach uses to digest food. As long the mucosal membrane is healthy, this acid has no impact on the walls of the stomach; however, when it weakens for whatsoever reason it allows the acid to eat up into the walls of the stomach causing ulcers.

Sometimes, this happens due to infection by Helicobacter pylori or H pylori as it is most commonly known. This infection is the result of unhygienic food or water and it can be easily cured with antibiotics. The destruction of the mucous membrane of the stomach could also be caused by stress, anxiety, untimely eating habits, lack of sleep at night, fondness of junk food, overeating, and so on.

Even the usually most helpful aspirin can cause stomach ulcers when taken in excess. Smoking and heavy drinking (of alcoholic drinks) are furthermore counted among the chief causes for this condition.

What Is The Best Chronic Stomach Ulcer Treatment You Could Use?

The chronic stomach ulcer treatment varies from person to person depending on the severity of the symptoms and time elapsed before the diagnosis is made. Usually the doctor would prescribe medication that would reduce acid formation in the stomach so as to give sufficient time and scope for the stomach mucous membrane to recover and regain its power to protect the stomach from eating itself up.

The chronic stomach ulcer treatment would demand an immediate change in lifestyle such as eating meals on time, drinking plenty of water, sleeping at least two hours before midnight for a total of six hours (at the minimum) every night, avoiding non-vegetarian, oily and spicy food, etc.

You could aid your chronic stomach ulcer treatment with a cold glass of milk in the morning and regular intake of cold yoghurt with your meals every day until all the symptoms disappear completely.