Psychological Benefits of Jogging

Jogging is a slower version of running. It is popular with "recreational runners" where the runner is not exerting too much as compared to running which implies to someone at speed. Jogging is the most ideal exercise for the health conscious freak with many mental and physical health benefits. One of the major psychological benefits of jogging is the relief from stress and tension. Exhausting your self from a jog clears your mind and relieves you from anger and aggression. It also improves attitude. Jogging in open country side gives a general sense of happiness. A jogging program gives the runner something to focus on.
Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body
Benefits of jogging affect mind and body. It builds up determination and will power which comes from those long jogs which you fight with yourself initially to skip. This strengthens the mind and gives determination to life. It helps the runner to put aside trial after trial and grow stronger with each stride. With the body feeling more energetic you feel empowered and ready to take on the world
Benefits of jogging also affect the aging process. As the body feels empowered it slows down muscle and bone loss which begin by the time a person reaches forty. By jogging and keeping active our bones and muscles get the demand it needs to be healthy. Looking young and healthy are benefits of jogging attributed to hormones being released which postpone the aging process.
Our bodies are able to fight diseases which is one of the most important benefits of jogging. A body free of sickness and diseases is a blessing to the family and the community at large. Regular jogging lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attacks. Jogging strengthens the immunity system in the body, reduces blood clots, and increases the formation of good cholesterol in our body.
Benefits of jogging far outnumber the disadvantages. The only disadvantage is that if jogging is done without proper medical assistance or clearance, there is possibility of muscle and joint pains and injuries. But these can be overcome by following a strict schedule under medical guidance.

As one can see improvement of health, weight loss, slowing down of the ageing process and fighting diseases are all benefits of jogging. Most joggers start with the objective of losing weight as jogging is considered as one of the foremost activities for burning more calories per minute than any other exercise.