College Is A Time To Perfect Student Time Management

They say that for each college class you take, you should allot two hours a night for reading and/or homework. However, most college students don't like the idea of having their heads buried in books constantly. That's why it's time to perfect a little student time management so that you can get the most out of your class lessons and, at the same time, have a social life. For, let's face it, college is supposed to be the best four years of your life. You're supposed to be out on your own, meeting new people, finding out who you are and what you want to become, and it's a time for you to finally blossom into an adult. With all that on your plate? Who has time for studying for eight to ten hours a day? You don't have to if you know how to perform some student time management.


The best way to maximize your student time management is to take thorough notes in class. If you're not a fast writer or if the professor speaks too fast, don't be afraid to bring a tape recorder to class. You can use the tape recorder later to stop and play the class lecture so that you can write effective notes. Then, when you get home, rewrite all the notes you've written or recorded. By rewriting the notes, you will be planting those lessons into your rote memory and it will become further ingrained in your memory. That's just one way of maximizing your student time management.


Another way to maximize your student time management is by writing notes based on the required reading. Reading text books can be tedious. Especially if you're a slow reader and the prof assigns fifty or more pages a night. While reading, take notes, just as you would in class. Try to absorb as much as you can from the reading but highlight all the major points in your notes. Then, rewrite those notes. That's just like reading the entire chapter, or chapters, over again. This will again plant those readings into your rote memory and you will be able to absorb the readings much more effectively.

Attend Your Classes

The above two examples are great ways to maximize your student time management but they will all be for naught if you skip classes. When you're in college, it can be very easy to miss classes because your friends are going to do something or the classes are too early and you spent the night before getting trashed at the local bar. Do not skip classes, pay attention, take lots of notes and read those assigned chapters. Then, rewrite and remember. If you do that, you will maximize your student time management, you will learn what you're supposed to and you will still be able to have a social life, which is all part of the college experience.