Understanding What is Time Management

What is time management? This questions pops up quite often because the words time management has a tendency to be bandied about a lot. Time management is a buzz word we hear all the time. Well, we have been hearing since the 1990's when a number of self help coaches started using the words. But, of course, time management has existed long before its popular name was dubbed.

After all, how could any of the famous people throughout human history achieve any fame if they had poor time management skills? Clearly, time management has long since a hallmark of success but this success sometimes has an elusive definition. As such, the need to clearly answer the question what is time management becomes apparent. So, let's answer the question what is time management!

What is Really Is

On a baseline level, time management centers on properly putting everything it its right place and within an acceptable level of timeframe. That is, if you need to study for a test you will have to set a certain amount of time per week to study and you have to pick a specific block of time as well.

That is, if you need to spend two hours studying you must place the two hours into an appropriate block during the week. (One two hour block, two one hours blocks, four half hour blocks, etc) Of course, this can create a quandary as the need two eliminate two hours of something else may be the result. Since you can't very well skip two hours of school you may have to cut that two hour trip to the movies you were planning. Or do you? You may be able to eliminate the two hours elsewhere as well!

Answering the question what is time management often centers on putting a sense of cohesion into your schedule. It also involves making value judgments as to what to add or what to subtract on your schedule. That is to say, time management is not about cramming something into a schedule or haphazardly cutting things out of a schedule.

It is about maximizing the time within a schedule to your ultimate advantage. This eliminates wasted time and wasted effort and allows you to maximize your achievements. Clearly, that would be a positive thing! So, what is time management? It is the best way to seek improvements by gaining control of your schedule. The power of that can never be underestimated.