The Effects Of Vitamin A Deficiency

Vitamins and minerals are essential to our health and general well being. These are what make our bodies strong and function well. There are numerous vitamins and minerals available in the natural world. For those who do not have the capacity to eat foods with these vitamins and minerals, they may need to take supplements of the vitamins and minerals that they lack.

Vitamin A is an integral art of our body. Many people do not suffer vitamin A deficiency but for those who do have it, they may need immediate supplementation. The individuals who are directly affected by vitamin A deficiency are pregnant women and young children.

Vitamin A is one of the many fat-soluble vitamins stored in our bodies. Sources of this vitamin are liver, eggs, milk and other vegetables and fruits. Green, leafy vegetables and those fruits or vegetables that are mainly orange or yellow orange in color may contain vitamin A. The content might vary depending on what fruit or vegetable it is.

Causes Of Vitamin A Deficiency

Vitamin A deficiency is ultimately cause by the lack of ingestion of food containing the vitamin A. There is no other way that you might lack vitamin A. By not having the right diet, you put yourself and, if you are pregnant, the life of your unborn child at risk. The way that our bodies store and use vitamin a may also be the cause of vitamin A deficiency.

Adverse Affects

Vitamin A deficiency often results in blindness or visual impairment. This is the usual effect of not having enough vitamin A in your diet as a child. Vitamin A deficiency can also increase the risk of death or severe illness from childhood diseases. These diseases include but are not limited to measles and diarrheal disease. Although these situations seldom happen in most progressive countries, they are still very tangible evidence that a lack of vitamin A must be examined.

In pregnant women, vitamin A deficiency can cause problems for both mother and child. Vitamin A is usually needed most during the last trimester of the pregnancy. Pregnant women may need to supplement themselves with vitamin A to ensure proper development of their child's eyes.

Vitamin A deficiency is a serious medical problem in the third world. Many children are born blind or may have visual problems due to this oversight. People really need to have a well balanced diet rich in the right kinds of vitamins and minerals to help their bodies stay strong and healthy.