Know your Mold Symptoms and Save your Health!

Know your Mold Symptoms and Save your Health!

Many doctors and researchers believe that mold is the primary culprit for the uprising in asthma, sinus and allergy cases in recent years. Many varieties of mold are just vague irritants that float unseen in the air we breathe but it is the kind that grow sight unseen in your home that are the true problems. In fact, if you have been experiencing cold or allergy type symptoms that don't seem to ever go away completely, chances are that you are experiencing mold symptoms instead.

Non-Toxic Mold Symptoms

Common varieties of mold that grow in your home in moist areas often cause the cold and allergy-type symptoms as listed above. While irritating, most of these molds are not toxic and can be cleaned up rather easily. Stuffy homes in which there is not enough air circulation are prime targets for producing mold symptoms.

If you notice that certain parts of your home cause your nasal passageways to swell or cause eye or throat irritation, chances are that mold is present. The key to effective treatment for your mold symptoms is to eradicate the mold at its source. Often times, the moldy area is caused by a leaky pipe or even a moist humid area (like a laundry room) caused by poor ventilation. If you can fix the leaky pipe or create some type of exhaust or dehumidifier for other areas, you can then clean up and kill the existing mold.

Toxic Mold Symptoms

If you have toxic mold in your home, you can pretty much guarantee that your mold symptoms are a lot worse than those from a non-toxic variety. In addition, to the cold and allergy type of symptoms caused by non-toxic mold, mold symptoms from the toxic variety include rash, fever, nausea, fatigue, diarrhea, shortness of breath, hearing loss, memory loss, coughing up blood, dizziness and the list goes on, depending on the person's overall immunological condition.

The problem with these mold symptoms is that unless you know you have mold in your home, they could stump both you and your doctor for quite a long time because they could be attributed to almost anything. Toxic mold is nothing to play around with and you should never try to kill it or clean it on your own.

Prevention of Mold Symptoms

The best prevention of mold symptoms is to keep them from occurring in the first place. If you are looking to buy a new home, shell out the extra money for an inspector to identify problems areas which could kick start mold growth such as roof, plumbing and appliance problems. With an existing home, every few months you should thoroughly inspect your home for possible leaks, especially in places like the attic or along walls near major plumbing sources like the bathroom, laundry room and kitchen. Without taking proper precautions against mold, you could develop the mold symptoms and compromise your overall health.