Save Your Life - Avoid These Foods To Avoid High Cholesterol

One of the most deadly and often encountered reasons for untimely death today is heart attack; this heart attack is caused by build up of cholesterol, which could be easily averted with slight yet very practical changes in your eating style. You need to pay attention to foods to avoid or high cholesterol will get you.

The first thing you should know about cholesterol is that it is deadly; the second thing is that it can be prevented and kept in check provided you are willing to work for it; and the third thing is that keeping a check on the cholesterol build up in your body could save your life.

There are two ways that you could use to control this menace - (1) identify and eliminate from your diet the major number of harmful foods to avoid high cholesterol and (2) include in your diet certain foods to avoid high cholesterol.

What Foods To Eliminate From Your Diet

Stop eating these foods to avoid high cholesterol:

1. Food that is deep fried - this is worse if it consists of red meat. However, even vegetables which are deep fried are harmful to the body as this process promotes the formation and build up the bad cholesterol in the blood.

2. Processed foods, particularly meat and dairy products - this group belong to the foods that cause the increase of bad cholesterol in the blood. Use fresh when needed and reduce the danger to a large extent.

3. Fast foods - the majority of the food you get at fast food joints are harmful foods to avoid high cholesterol build up. It is okay to have a burger or a hotdog once in a while; however, when it becomes the staple food you have a lot to worry about.

Use These, Instead

There are foods which work against you and there are foods which work for you when it comes to cholesterol. You could use the foods to avoid high cholesterol build up and maintain a healthy body. Some examples are:

1. Walnuts - the walnut consist of polyunsaturated fatty acids which are essential factors for keeping your blood vessels optimally elastic and healthy. Adding walnuts to your diet could reverse the amount of bad cholesterol in your blood in as little as three to four weeks.

2. Soluble fiber foods - such as oatmeal and oat bran. This too can reduce the bad cholesterol very effectively.