Stop Smoking Programs Designed For Those Wanting To Quit

There are no simple fixes to end a habit, especially if it has been in place for a number of years and in order to stop smoking programs have been developed to overcome years of the need to puff away. For some smokers, a little will power can go a long way and they can put out their last cigarette and never pick up another one. However, for the majority, the desire to quit smoking is only the first step in participating in stop smoking programs.

There are different elements to stop smoking programs that help people get over their need for nicotine, including the addiction to the drug, the habit of having something in their hand or mouth and the health issues related to smoking. Once a person has made the decision to put an end to their smoking habit, they can start looking for stop smoking programs to help them reach their goal.

For some, it is a matter of establishing a firm date on which they will turn their backs on a long time habit. Additionally, they are advised to tell others about their intention to join stop smoking programs to help provide peer pressure. Telling the spouse and children about their intentions can also help with the cessation effort as they will not want to disappoint those who love them.

Finding Ways To Satisfy The Cravings

For some heavy smokers, the cravings may be more than an addiction to nicotine. If a person has specific times when they crave a cigarette, such as after meals or with their first cup of coffee in the morning, they will need to modify their behavior. Many stop smoking programs identify different activities in which they can participate such as taking a short jog around the block after eating instead of running to their pack of cigarettes.

If they associate a cup of morning coffee with a cigarette, change the beverage to a glass of cold juice instead. The association of coffee and nicotine will disappear in a couple of weeks and they can go back to their morning hot brew once the stop smoking programs have begun to show signs of success.

Playing a sport, such as basketball does not allow the time or place for smoking and many of the stop smoking programs recommend behavior modifications where lighting up is not possible. By participating in a couple of stop smoking programs the smoker can find one that helps them kick the habit in the butt.