Things That You Need To Know About Heat Stress

Heat stress is very common in some areas in the United States especially during the summer. The heat of the sun can be quite oppressive, making it quite difficult to breath at times. If you live near the dessert or if you place is prone to very hot climates, you should be familiar with the signs and symptoms of heat stress. Note that the built-up of heat in your body can cause mild to severe disruptions in physical and mental functions.

Signs And Symptoms Of Heat Stress

The early signs of heat tress include dizziness, headache, irritability and weakness. If you have been out in the sun for some time and you start to experience these symptoms, go indoors at once and drink plenty of water. Heat exhaustion can be quite fatal if you do not address it right away. Note that if you ignore the early signs of symptoms of heat stress, you will most likely experience more severe symptoms which may include confusion, loss of coordination, upset stomach, voting, fatigue and fainting.

Taking Care Of Yourself While Working Outdoors

If you are one of those people who love to work outdoors, never take things for granted. Start working early in the morning when it is cooler or sometime during late afternoon. As much as possible, do not do strenuous activities outdoors around noon time when the sun is at its brightest. In fact, it would be better for you to stay completely indoors when the sun is already up. You can just continue your work when the sun is no longer so hot.

When working outdoors, you should wear protective clothing to protect your skin. Studies show that too much exposure to the sun can cause certain types of cancers so be careful. If you do not like to wear long sleeved clothing while working outdoors, you should apply sunscreen with high ph on all exposed areas of your skin. Reapply the sunscreen whenever needed to make sure that your skin is fully protected from the sun.

While working outdoors, do not forget to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration and heat stress. Drink water even if you do not feel thirsty especially when you sweat profusely. According to experts, you will not feel thirsty until your body losses at least 2% of its fluids so do not wait until you feel thirsty before you try to replenish your lost body fluids.